Friday, January 25, 2013

Women's panel wants anti-rape laws amended

 MYSORE: State Women Commission chairperson C Manjula on Friday said that there is nothing new in Justice JS Verma Committee's report on amendment to anti-rape laws.

Stating that she is not happy with committee's report, Manjula said: "The report is more academic. There should be a holistic approach to review rape laws. The report has to be worked on again, and must also be discussed in Parliament."

Manjula came up with suggestions while highlighting the pros and cons of the report. "Following the statement of Nirbhaya's friend about their 40-minute ordeal, police wasted precious time discussing the jurisdiction. All police stations must be made to receive complaints immediately without raising question on jurisdiction. More police officers and constables must be deployed in stations."

For rapes in police station, hospital, jail and other places, the punishment must be enhanced up to life imprisonment, she added.

Stating that there is a need for judicial reforms, Manjula said: "Sensitization of judicial officers to handle cases is a must. Speedy trial of rape cases must be done too."

Saying that the report is balanced, UoM sociology department's R Indira said: "Crime against women can be reduced if the existing laws are implemented strictly. Crime against women is a societal issue. Gender-sensitive minds can only ensure less crime. The mindset of people towards women must change".

Advocate Bhaskar said Marriage Registration Act has to be made compulsory. "Twenty years of imprisonment must be given for heinous crime against women. Juvenile Justice Act must also be amended, and the age of juvenile must be reduced to 16."

The commission, after discussing the issue with 20 organizations, submitted a set of recommendations on the report.

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